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Coach's Goal Review Checklist - Adult
Retrieve original goal and assessment form
Retrieve teambuildr reporting
Cross reference metrics with initial client's goal
Renew or modify training plan (if needed)
If 30 day goal review schedule 90 day Goal review
Coach's Goal Review Checklist - Athlete
Retrieve Past Goal Reviews/Initial Consult to review goals
Print out progress report
Signup for Post Season Session
Signup for upcoming season/multi-season
Full Name
Select your Current Membership
Athletic Development Program
Adult Group Training
Personal Training (1 on 1)
Personal Training (Semi-private)
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What teams/activities are you currently involved in?
How are things going with your training? What are you most proud of accomplishing in the last 30/90 days?
Is this your 30 day, 90 day, quarterly or end of season goal review?
30 day
90 day
End of Season
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What does your upcoming schedule looks like? (Anything that would interfere with your training.)
What are your current goals?
What have you struggled with most?
Do you have a spouse, family member, or friend who could benefit from our fitness programs?
Have you seen improved performance on the field (Athlete) or improvement in quality of life (adult) as a result of your training program?
Is there anything that can be improved/added to your current program to help you reach your goals?
S.M.A.R.T. Goal
Recommended Program
Hybrid (2 Group + 1 Semi)
Hybrid (1 Group + 2 Semi)
Hybrid (2 Group + 2 Semi)
Adult Group 3x
Adult Group 4x
1 on 1
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